Today I’m remembering my sweet Papa Pitts. It would have been his 82nd birthday today. We lost him two weeks ago on February 15th after a long, hard few weeks in the hospital following complications after surgery.
It’s been heartbreaking for our family to lose him and something we really weren’t prepared for. But I’m so grateful to have had him in my life for almost 34 years and for my babies to have known him too. And I’m so thankful to know that he’s with his Lord and Savior and that we’re promised to see him again some day in heaven. What a sweet assurance from a merciful and loving God!
“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.” - John 14:1-4
My Papa’s smile wasn’t big but it was always a big deal to see it. I will miss that sweet little smile.
Ahhh, yes it’s that time of year again. Valentine’s Day! Gabby is out of school this week for February break so she had her class party last week. Today was Peter’s party and the kids got to celebrate with a field trip to Fun City. Peter kept describing it as “you know…it’s a city that’s fun.” And fun it was, or at least the kids had fun. I would have had more fun with a little more caffeine maybe. Starbucks should definitely be handed out to every parent as they walk in the door at those places. But I digress. It was a much needed break from reality for us and I’m glad we all got to go.
Gabby’s Valentine. She drew a heart and colored it in then I scanned her drawing in and made a valentine out of it.
Valentine jars I etched for their teachers. If you haven’t etched glass before grab some stickers and etching cream and get to work. It’s so easy and is a great way to personalize something. Peter’s Mack truck valentine box. I saw this one on a blog somewhere. A Kleenex box for the big part (great valentine box with the slot already cut out for you) and floral foam cube for the front.
Decorating valentine cookies. So fun! My 2 turkeys.
Just your average story. Girl meets boy, girl and boy fall in love and get married. They have a simple, quiet life then girl and boy decide to start a family. It feels like that�s where our story really gets interesting because it�s hard to remember life before kids. My husband, Michael, and I have been married since 2002 and live in NW Arkansas with our two amazing and slightly crazy kids, Gabby and Peter Michael. This blog is all about our daily, weekly, or monthly lives depending on how up to date I keep it. I�m a stay at home mom so of course there�s the average craft, etc along the way. Enjoy!