Tuesday, April 13, 2010 by Leslie Paladino
Yesterday Peter learned how to crawl on his hands and knees. He’s been working on it all weekend and can now sit up from a tummy position (video 1) and can crawl on his hands and knees. Now that he’s mastered that I’m ready for him to walk. :)
This is Peter’s favorite thing to do right now. He sits in front of the open window and just goes up and down looking outside. This is his other favorite thing to do now.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 by Leslie Paladino
This weekend we went to Berryville to hang out with my parents. Saturday we went to Gramma and Grampa’s and Sunday we went to church with Papa Mike and Mimi then out to Roaring River. We had an excellent weekend with perfect weather. And since both kids had clothes on and it was so nice outside we got a little picture happy. :)
Gabby with Gramma and Grampa’s new dog Roxie.
He did NOT want to sit in the grass.
Gabby with Papa Mike at the fish hatchery.
Sunday, April 4, 2010 by Leslie Paladino
Saturday we took the kids to the Mayors Easter Egg hunt. It was crazy how quickly those eggs got snatched up. I guess there are some aggressive kids in the 0-3 age category around here. :) Gabby got three eggs but was thrilled that one of them was a princess egg. She also got to talk to the Easter bunny and show him her toys. Today we enjoyed our Easter church service then went to lunch at Mimi’s. Good food but yikes! We won’t be doing that again unless Peter has had a good nap. This afternoon we dyed Easter eggs and played around the house. It was a very nice weekend and the weather was perfect. We are some Spring loving fools around here.
Also just as an update, Gabby has been doing well without Finger Hoppy but has asked for him some this week/weekend. This is the first time she’s asked for him since he left for Hoppy Land though so she’s handling it well. Peter is still working on his crawling. As you can see from the below video he is still crawling the same way but he can move faster now. And he is working his walker. He can get into all kinds of things in that. I had to take the knobs off my china cabinet after he discovered those doors.
Getting ready to go to school on Thursday where she had her first Easter egg hunt.
Bubba waiting in the car for his sister.
Gabby hiding from the camera at the Easter egg hunt.
Gabby and Daddy waiting for the action to start.
There they go.
Gabby showing off the princess egg.
Showing the Easter bunny her toys.
Gabby with her Easter basket.
Yummy Easter candy!
How’s this for an Easter picture.
Miss Sassy
Which lead into this shot.
Don’t worry, we didn’t leave Peter out.
The kids beating up on Daddy. Peter is really getting active in his play now.
Our happy boy.
This is really the first time that Gabby and Peter have really played together without us instigating it or being involved. A glimpse of fun things to come! And yes, that’s him laughing crazily while he’s going after Gabby’s cup.