Saturday, November 8, 2008 by Leslie Paladino
Last weekend we took Gabby to the zoo in Tulsa with some friends. She loved seeing the animals that were actually out or awake and always loves being outside. We didn't get any pictures with animals but we did get some cute family shots with the beautiful fall foliage.
Also below are Gabby's diva pictures. Gabby's friend Hannah brought over some dress up shoes, necklace and earrings. Gabby thought she was very special and big with all of her new accessories on.
Today we went "hiking" at Devil's Den. Gabby had a good time playing in the leaves and looking at the water. She wasn't wild about wearing her coat and hat but we worked through that eventually. Enjoy all the pictures!
Holding hands with Grayson AGAIN (should we be worried?)
Gabby with her walking stick
She loved throwing the leaves in the air
Gabby saw some other hikers at this point and this is her shy face
Friday, November 7, 2008 by Leslie Paladino
I think just about everyone knows by now but just in case not, we'll be adding a new member to our family next year. I will be 11 weeks pregnant on Monday and our due date is June 1st. So far I definitely feel and look pregnant. I've been nauseous off and on and feel pretty tired and hungry most of the time. But hopefully that will pass soon. Gabby looks pretty confused when we try to tell her there's a baby in mommy's tummy so I guess we'll have to keep working on that.
We had our first doctor's appointment and ultrasound last week. The baby has a good heartbeat and was sleeping soundly (maybe this will be a relaxed baby). The ultrasound photo is below. The baby's head is on the right and you can kind of make out little arms and legs on the left. We're very excited and can't wait to find out what we're having and to meet our little baby.
Baby's First Ultrasound
Sunday, November 2, 2008 by Leslie Paladino
This year Gabby was a skunk. Yes, she'll probably hate us for it someday but we decided to have fun with it while we can. There will be plenty of princess costumes in our future. She went trick-or-treating for the first time with some of our friends and their two girls. She loved it and I'm afraid could have gone all night if we had let her.
The costume didn't keep her from her yard work duties.
Or playing on the swing.
Look out...there are dangerous forest creatures out there.
Gabby with friends Grayson (monkey) and Logan (bear).